Did you know that, proportionally, strawberries have a higher vitamin C content than oranges?
Did you know that, proportionally, strawberries have a higher vitamin C content than oranges?
Variants in the market
Premium Strawberries Tamara®
Selected strawberries packed in 8 plastic trays of 500 gr, Tamara Premium brand
Selected Strawberries Tamara®
Strawberries selected in bulk packed by 5 kg, Tamara brand
Selected Strawberries in Trays
Selected strawberries packed in 8 plastic trays of 250 grs
Strawberries all year long
Sierra de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Bs. As.
From January to May and from November to December
Varieties: San Andreas
Bella Vista, Province of Corrientes
From June to October
Varieties: Sabrina – Festival – Benicia
10 properties and benefits of strawberries
For diabetic patients
Strawberries are an excellent choice for people with diabetes or for anyone who needs to monitor their blood glucose levels. Strawberries contain a very little amount of carbohydrates, and their glycemic index is low.
For counteracting constipation
In addition to providing vitamins and minerals, which are very beneficial to health, another great contribution of strawberries is their soluble fiber content. This fiber will help us maintain regularity and prevent or counteract constipation.
For your teeth
Strawberries can contribute to a healthier mouth due to the xylitol they contain. This has shown to be effective in preventing the demineralization of teeth, protecting enamel and reducing bacterial plaque.
For good eyes
Strawberries are great to take care of our eye health and prevent or delay the appearance of degenerative diseases related to eyesight. The benefits of strawberries for eyesight are found in a set of pigments (zeaxanthin and lutein) which have a protective effect.
For hypertensive patients
For people with high blood pressure, strawberries are perfect, as they have very low sodium as well as high potassium content.
Proportionally, strawberries have higher vitamin C content than oranges. Additionally, strawberries contain other antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which are flavonoids that contribute to delay aging and help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Strawberries stand out for its antioxidant content.
To prevent fluid retention
By increasing the formation and expulsion of urine (diuresis), fluid accumulated in the body and the waste products that are generated are eliminated. This is beneficial for people with fluid retention, as well as for those who have gout or arthritis.
Strawberries have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the salicylic acid it contains. Also, it’s worth noting that people who are allergic or have adverse reactions to aspirin could have the same reaction to strawberries and vice versa, and they can therefore suffer from hives when consuming them.
For iron-deficiency anemia
To prevent iron deficiency anemia, it is essential to include food which is rich in vitamin C (such as strawberries) in our diet, because it is essential for iron to be absorbed correctly.
For the skin
Due to its vitamin C and water content, strawberries help maintain a youthful and hydrated skin, as vitamin C favors the production of collagen and the renewal of the skin. With strawberries, it is very easy to take care of our inner self to have a healthy skin.