Did you know that raspberries contain B vitamins, which help metabolism and promote growth?
Did you know that raspberries contain B vitamins, which help metabolism and promote growth?
Variants in the market
Selected Raspberries
Selected raspberries in 12 plastic trails of 125 grs, TAMARA® brand
Raspberry availability
Sierra de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Bs. As.
From December to May
Varieties: Heritage – Atumn bliss
10 properties and benefits of raspberries
Rich in vitamin C
Raspberries are very rich in vitamin C, which in turn has an important antioxidant action. Vitamin C is essential for the adequate absorption of iron in our body, as well as the formation of collagen.
Rich in minerals
It provides minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Prevention of diseases
Raspberries do not contain the kind of antioxidants that are responsible for neutralizing free radicals, therefore, it helps prevent the onset of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
Eye Health
Raspberries contain lutein, a carotenoid that, in addition to its characteristic color given by a vegetal pigment, provides natural protection to eye health. It helps fight macular degeneration, a disease that can lead to the loss of eyesight.
Rich in fiber
Raspberries provide a big amount of fiber, improving intestinal transit. One cup provides approximately 10 grams of fiber.
Folic acid content
Raspberries contain folic acid, an important component for the production of red and white blood cells, as well as the synthesis of genetic material. Additionally, folic acid is important for health before and during pregnancy, as it is vital to prevent defects in the fetus.
Beneficial for pregnant women
Raspberry leaves are considered as one of the best herbs to be consumed during pregnancy. It causes the muscle mass of the uterus to tone up and therefore makes delivery easier and faster.
Beneficial for nails and skin health
Raspberries are rich in Vitamin A, which has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Easy to incorporate into breakfast
You can easily incorporate raspberries into your morning smoothies, they give you an acid and delicious flavor to your breakfast. They also taste great with your granola or yogurt.