Did you know that blackberries help control blood sugar levels?
Did you know that blackberries help control blood sugar levels?
Availability of blackberries
Sierra de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Bs. As.
From November to January
Varieties: Tupi – Ouachita (organic) – Boysenberry
6 properties and benefits of blackberries
Source of antioxidants
Antioxidants help reduce the damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidant properties of the blackberries will help stimulate the elimination of toxins. This translates into keeping our digestive system, skin and heart healthy.
All mulberry leaves (plants, stems and fruits) are extremely rich in antioxidants. A particular antioxidant, resveratrol, is especially useful to preserve our body against the negative effects of aging.
Immune system
Blackberries contain alkaloids that activate macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells that stimulate the immune system, which put it on active alert against threats to our molecular health. Therefore, the advantages are great. A strengthened immune system will allow us to avoid getting sick.
A healthy source of glucose
Extensive research on the properties of blackberries indicates that its sources of glucose can balance our blood sugar. This reduces the need for consuming less healthier sugar sources.
Based on traditional Chinese medicine, and traditional medicine from Trinidad and Tobago, several home remedies were produced to promote balanced blood sugar levels, blackberries being the basis of effective recipes against diabetes.
A great source of protein
Dried berries are a great source of protein, vitamin C and K, fiber and iron. Best of all, it is easy to find them at any herbalist or naturist center. This type of food prevent our body from getting colds and help us overcome certain viral diseases.
Effective against irritation
Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine have used blackberries as a medicine for inflammation and skin flushing. A recent study found that a combination of mulberry leaves and curcumin forms a perfect tandem to combat localized irritation.
Blackberries protect our brain
Do blackberries offer anything to our brain? Researchers at Khon Kaen University in Thailand set out to answer this question by assessing the effects of blackberries on male rats with memory impairment and brain damage.
Though more research is needed to reaffirm this hypothesis and its possible effect on humans, we can surely state that blackberries are a very useful cognitive enhancer and a neuroprotector.